The Next New Thing

I would love to see and app where people can meet new people and make friends. I would call it “Find a Buddy”. You would be able to download it and input your favorite hangout spots. You would also input your interests and hobbies. The app will match you with buddies based on your interests and favorite places. On any given night, you can choose to meet up with your buddy at a mutually chosen spot. At the end of the encounter, you can rate your buddy and the experience. When others log on they will see where you went and with whom, and their ratings. “Find a Buddy” would be the preferred app to meet friends when you are new in town and unsure of where to go to hang out. It will also be a safer way to meet new people in public places. It gives the shy or antisocial a way to interact with potential friends or associates. It can also be a way to network in a more relaxed environment.


4 thoughts on “The Next New Thing

  1. vanessaurrutia

    Ranate, I think this app would be amazing! Especially for the Baruch community where most of us just leave campus once class is over. It would be a great way to make friends around school!


  2. Rosalie

    I think this is a great idea, especially since it is based on common interests. This is probably even better for people that are shy, because if they know they will have something to talk about like a common interest, I would think they would be more encouraged to go.


  3. This would definitely be helpful for people who are new in town. Especially since the other person can show them around town, exploring with them. However, what about those that are new to the app and have no ratings on their profile. How can anyone agree to go meet with them? And even worse, what about those that aren’t necessarily bad company, but had one bad experience with someone which resulted in a harsh negative review? What then becomes their chances of finding a new buddy?


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